Who is this course for?
Secrets to a Happy Relationship
Legendary master course from Mind Power expert Lisa Politova
Over 16,935 women have completed this course and married the ones they love
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Women who want to marry their partner
Lidia, 30, USA
Completed Secrets to a
Happy Relationship course
Lidia's relationship had ended, but after the course, she restored it and got married!
Amalia, 25, Mexico
Completed Secrets to a Happy Relationship course
Amalia waited 2 years for a proposal. During the course, she got engaged, married, and had her dream wedding!
Women who want to marry their partner
Catherine, 29, Canada
Completed Secrets to a
Happy Relationship course
Catherine's husband left, saying he didn't love her. But after the course, they reconciled, and his feelings reignited!
Helen, 35, England
Completed Secrets to a Happy Relationship course
After 17 years, Helen's husband walked out. But during the course, she turned things around. He came back and built a new home for their family!
Women who want to marry their partner
Anna, 36, Ukraine
Completed Secrets to a
Happy Relationship course
Anna struggled with insecurity in her on-again, off-again relationship of 2 years. After the course, their relationship stabilized, and they took it to the next level.
Sofia, 32, Spain
Completed Secrets to a Happy Relationship course
The man Sofia was seeing didn't take their relationship seriously. After the course, she successfully elevated their relationship, and he began showering her with love and attention.
Women who want to be
desirable, needed, and attractive
Pamela, 36, Germany
Completed Secrets to a
Happy Relationship course
The course helped Pamela develop self-love and boost her self-esteem. As a result, her partner started treating her with
more respect, complimenting her, and showing genuine care and attention.
Dana, 31, Romania
Completed Secrets to a Happy Relationship course
During the 5th lesson of the course, Dana's partner had a change of heart and began treating her with love and appreciation. Now, she feels valued and needed in the relationship.
Single women who want to meet their soulmate
Marina, 49, Russia
Completed Secrets to a
Happy Relationship course
Marina was trapped in a cycle of failed relationships, where either she or her partner would always end up leaving. But after taking the course, she met the love of her life and is now building a happy relationship with him.
Firuzah, 37, Kazakhstan
Completed Secrets to a Happy Relationship course
Thanks to the hypnosis techniques in the course, Firuzah overcame a 14-year-old emotional block that had hindered her relationships. She then met her perfect match, exactly as she had envisioned him.
Women who want to manifest SP and remove the "other woman" from the picture
Melissa, 35, USA
Completed Secrets to a
Happy Relationship course
Before: Her partner had moved to another city and started a new relationship. After: He realized his mistake, returned to Alyona, they reconciled and got married.
Tati, 38, Canada
Completed Secrets to a Happy Relationship course
After having children, her relationship with her husband deteriorated, and he became involved with someone else.
After the course, her husband returned, and they now enjoy family vacations together.
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Course Program:
Who is this course for?
MODULE 1. Emotional Liberation - 550 $
Replace your heartache with a balanced resourceful state of mind.
Lesson 1: Introduction and school rules and regulations
Lesson 2: How to interact with men in everyday life
Practice 1. “Release your emotions”
Practice 2. “Releasing and Overcoming Emotional Pain”
Result: you will get rid of rage, disappointment, pain, and dismal.
MODULE 2. Breaking Free from Obsessive Thinking - 495 $
Replace your heartache with a balanced resourceful state of mind.
Practice 3. “Overcoming Emotional Dependency”
Practice 4. “Letting Go of The Past”
Practice 5. “Gratitude Letter”
Result: you will overcome your neediness, emotional weakness, and anxiety.
MODULE 3. Creating Your Ideal Love Story - 375 $
You are writing a new course for your life, where a man loves you, and you are together with him.
Lesson 3. The Mirror Princinle: "How We Influence Other Pennle"
Practice of materialization 6. Manifestation writing exercise "Fairy tale"
Practice-game Meditation 7. "Receive a sign from the Universe within 24 hours" meditation
Result: you will take the first step towards materializing your love with mind power.
Lesson 4. "Reducing Excessive Importance of Wishes"
Affirmations "All My Wishes Come True""Guide from the Universe" audio guide
MODULE 4. Overcoming Past Trauma and Negative Programs - 1900 $
And analyzing your negative beliefs, clearing your subconscious mind.
Lesson 5. Guilt In A Mirror Reflection
Practice 8. "Overcoming Guilt"
Lesson 6. Resentment And The Mirror Principle
Result: you are moving forward, ready to create a new reality for yourself.
Practice 9. "Radical Forgiveness"
Lesson 7. "How Your Thoughts, Beliefs And Presumptions Shape Your Life"
Practice 10. "Identifying Negative Core Beliefs"
MODULE 5. Programming for Love and Installing New Beliefs - 1550 $
You are doing practices to reprogram your subconscious mind so that new positive things will be introduced into your reality to replace your fears and negative thoughts.
Lesson 8. How to Reprogram Your Negative Beliefs
Practice #11. “Myth-Busting”
Practice #12. “Scientific Prayer”
Result: you will see your partner mirroring all the positive changes in you.
Practice #13. “Message from The Future”
Practice #14. “15 Minutes”
MODULE 6. Regaining Self-Worth and Self-Love - 850 $
You become aware of your importance, your beauty, and your sexuality.
Lesson 9. Self-Esteem and Relationships
Practice #15. “I am Impossible to Beat”
Practice #16. “I am Loved”
Result: your partner starts demonstrating his love for you.
Lesson 10. 12 Steps Towards Self-Love
Practice #17. “I Like the Way I Look”
Practice #18. “I Praise Myself”
Practice #19. “Memory Points”
Practice #20. “Loved and Desired" Meditation”
Lesson 11. My Boundaries and My New Norm
Practice #21. “My New Normal”
MODULE 7. Powerful Manifestation of Love - 550 $
In this module, we will be learning to set the right reality and manifest your wishes for a happy love life with the help of selected meditations on intentions.
Lesson 12. Understanding Algorithms of Manifestation
Practice #22. “Powerful Visualization”
Practice #23. “Gratitude Metidation”
Result: your love life situation drastically changes for the better.
Practice #24. “Meditation “Powerful wish Manifestation Accelerator”
Lesson 13. Vibrational Alignment
MODULE 8. Manifesting Strong and Healthy Love - 1390 $
You will create a strong energy connection which will result in a warm, sincere and harmonious relationship.
Lesson 14. How to Make Him Fall in Love with You Forever?
Practice #25. “Mind Power Seduction”
Practice #26. “Soul Connection” Meditation”
Result: your partner will be emotionally attached to you.
MODULE 9. How to Get a Marriage Proposal - 435 $
Your partner will finally propose to you.
Lesson 15. How to Become the Woman Every Man Wants to Marry
Practice #27. “ASMR-Meditation “PROPOSAL”
Practice #28. “Mindset of a Beloved Wife”
Result: your partner will finally propose to you.
MODULE 10. How to change Your Man - 395 $
You will get access to practical exercises that have helped thousands of women change their partners and make them more responsible, determined, and caring.
Lesson 16. How to Influence Your Partner to Change?
Practice #29. “I Accept You”
Practice #30. “55 Days of Gratitude”
Result: every day, you are happy with your beloved one.
MODULE 11. Maintaining a Happy Relationship for Years to Come - 895 $
You will learn the foundation for a long-term relationship.
Lesson 17. 10 Principles of a Perfect Relationship
Result: you are relaxed, and you know that your relationship is strong.
How did our course participants change their lives AFTER they completed the course?
This course is the most efficient way to build a perfect relationship with your partner. Our participants confirm that this course has divided their lives into "before" and "after."
Check out their success stories!
Over 9 650 success stories
I stopped being dependent on a man and got a marriage proposal
I got my husband back when everyone said it was impossible
Restored a harmonious relationship with my husband, with whom I was on the edge of divorce
Built a serious relationship with someone who didn't appreciate me before
Attracted the man of my dreams with mind power. Got my life back on track and had a baby
Attracted a perfect partner after 2 years of loneliness
Attracted a new man, and created a happy family with him
Happy with the man I have been unrequitedly in love with for a long time
After years of loneliness, I built a happy relationship with a man
Attracted the man of my dreams and started enjoying my life
I attracted a boyfriend and built a serious relationship with him using mind power
Got my husband back two years after divorce
With mind power, I attracted a man with the desired set of qualities into my life
He used to say, “I don't love you”, but now he says, “I can't live without you!”
I got my boyfriend back after a breakup and severe depression.
I got out of a vicious circle of breakups with men. I got my lover back and found harmony in my relationship
I stopped being a victim, got my lover back and am happy with him
Got back the man who said he'd never forgive me again
I stopped being dependent on a man and got a marriage proposal
I got my husband back when everyone said it was impossible
Restored a harmonious relationship with my husband, with whom I was on the edge of divorce
Built a serious relationship with someone who didn't appreciate me before
Attracted the man of my dreams with mind power. Got my life back on track and had a baby
Attracted a perfect partner after 2 years of loneliness
Attracted a new man, and created a happy family with him
Happy with the man I have been unrequitedly in love with for a long time
After years of loneliness, I built a happy relationship with a man
Attracted the man of my dreams and started enjoying my life
I attracted a boyfriend and built a serious relationship with him using mind power
Got my husband back two years after divorce
With mind power, I attracted a man with the desired set of qualities into my life
He used to say, “I don't love you”, but now he says, “I can't live without you!”
I got my boyfriend back after a breakup and severe depression.
I got out of a vicious circle of breakups with men. I got my lover back and found harmony in my relationship
I stopped being a victim, got my lover back and am happy with him
Got back the man who said he'd never forgive me again
This course is more than just theory. It's a lot of profound work with your subconscious mind, practices, meditations, hypnosis sessions, and exercises.
What do you get by buying the course?
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22 Unique Audio Practices (meditations / affirmations and other tools) by Lisa Politova — 13 hours
Hypnotherapy for identifying and healing your trauma - 25 min
Overcoming Emotional Dependency and Destructive Bonds - 39 min
“Sea Captain” practice for overcoming emotional dependency - 13 min
Guided meditation “Receive a sign from the Universe within 24 hours” - 16 min
"All My Wishes Come True" affirmations - 8 min
“Guide from the Universe” affirmations - 15 min
Hypnosis for Identifying Negative Beliefs - 17 min
Walking Meditation: 100 Steps Towards Yoursel - 22 min
Practice for self-acceptance and self-love with a little mirror - 05 min
Practice for accepting your appearance in front of a large mirro - 26 min
Meditation "Men will start dreaming about you!" - 13 min
“Loved and Desired”. Meditation with your eyes open - 19 min
Meditation "Powerful Visualization" - 20 min
Gratitude Meditation for Manifesting Love Desires - 19 min
Meditation “Powerful wish Manifestation Accelerator” - 28 min
Meditative Practice of Falling in Love, 15 minutes - 11 min
Meditative Practice of Falling in Love, 60 minute - 60 min
Meditation Music #1 - 29 min
Meditation Music #2 - 23 min
“Soul connection” Practic - 33 min
ASMR meditation “Marriage Proposal”, 25 minutes - 25 min
"Mindset of a Beloved Wife" Affirmations - 16 min
50 Lessons — 14 hours videos
Lesson 1 — Introduction - 18 min
Lesson 2 — How to interact with men in everyday life - 47 min
Practice #1 - Release Your Emotions - 25 min
Practice #2 - Releasing and Overcoming Emotional Pain - 20 min
Practice #3 — Overcoming Emotional Dependency - 12 min
Practice #4 — Letting Go of the Past - 1 min
Practice #5 — Gratitude Letter
Lesson 3 — The Mirror Principle: How We Influence Other People - 32 min
Practice #6. Fairy Tale - 17 min
Practice #7 — Receive a sign from the Universe within 24 hours - 13 min
Lesson 4 — Reducing Excessive Importance of Wishes - 26 min
Lesson 5. Guilt In A Mirror Reflection - 25 min
Practice #8. “Overcoming Guilt” - 10 min
Lesson 6. Resentment And The Mirror Principle - 32 min
Practice #9. “Radical Forgiveness” - 12 min
Lesson 7. How Your Thoughts, Beliefs And Presumptions Shape Your Life - 16 min
Practice #10. “Identifying Negative Core Beliefs” - 24 min
Lesson 8. How to Reprogram Your Negative Beliefs - 24 min
Practice #11. “Myth-Busting” - 31 min
Practice #12. “Scientific Prayer” - 10 min
Practice #13. “Message from The Future” - 9 min
Practice #14. “15 Minutes” - 11 min
Lesson 9. Self-Esteem and Relationships - 45 min
Practice #15. “I am Impossible to Beat” - 8 min
Practice #16. “New Me” - 14 min
Lesson 10. 12 Steps Towards Self-Love - 22 min
Practice #17. “I Like the Way I Look” - 11 min
Practice #18. “I Praise Myself” - 13 min
Practice 19. Memory Points - 12 min
Practice #20. “Loved and Desired" Meditation - 2 min
Lesson 11. My Boundaries and My New Normal - 28 min
Lesson 12. Understanding Algorithms of Manifestation - 35 min
Practice #21. “My New Normal” - 8 min
Practice #22. “Powerful Visualization” - 12 min
Practice #23. “Gratitude Meditation” - 7 min
Practice #24. “i-Meditation “Powerful wish Manifestation Accelerator” - 2 min
Lesson 13. Vibrational Alignment - 25 min
Lesson 14. How to Make Him Fall in Love with You Forever? - 28 min
Practice #25. “Mind Power Seduction” - 34 min
Practice #26. “Soul Connection” Meditation”
Lesson 15. How to Become the Woman Every Man Wants to Marry - 36 min
Practice #27. “ASMR-Meditation “PROPOSAL”
Practice #28. ” Mindset of a Beloved Wife”
Lesson 16. How to Influence Your Partner to Change?
Practice #29. “55 Days of Gratitude” - 7 min
Practice #30. “The Period of falling in love” - 12 min
Practice #31. “ Trusting your partner” - 11 min
Lesson 17. How to Make Your Husband a Millionaire - 26 min
Lesson 18. ​​How to have a lasting romantic relationship - 24 min
Final Lesson - 8 min
25 Writing Practices — 129 pages of PDF files with the author’s exercises
Writing Therapy “Things I haven’t told him” — PDF - 4 pages
«Healing script» — PDF - 5 pages
Gratitude Letter — PDF - 10 pages
Practice for Overcoming Guilt — PDF - 3 pages
Lisa's adapted and expanded version of the "Radical Forgiveness" book questionnaire, with helpful tips and commentary - 28 pages
Practice “Today I begin a new life”
Negative thoughts, mindsets, and fears identified by participants of the course — PDF - 3 pages
“Myth-Busting” Exercise — PDF - 4 pages
How to form a new beliefs — PDF - 35 pages
Practice “Scientific Prayer”
“Message from The Future”
Practice “15 Minutes”
Practice “I am Impossible to Beat” — PDF - 12 pages
Practice “150 things for which I can praise myself” — PDF - 6 pages
Practice “Building the habit of praising yourself”
The “Memory Points” practice
List “My New Normal” — PDF - 5 pages
List of Things I Used To Put Up With but Will No Longer Tolerate — PDF - 3 pages
The "Questions for Forming a Vision of Your Ideal Love Life" file — PDF - 3 pages
Meditations on Intention Tracker: "Healing Love Relationships" — PDF - 1 pages
Template “What makes me a perfect wife” — PDF - 2 pages
The "Questions for Forming a Vision of Your Ideal Love Life" file — PDF - 3 pages
Meditations on Intention Tracker: "Healing Love Relationships" — PDF - 1 pages
Template “What makes me a perfect wife” — PDF - 2 pages
How will the
training take place?
You will be granted access to the platform where you will find all course materials, lessons, and practices
How long will it take?
Make sure to reserve 1,5 hours 3 times a week for fast and sustainable results
You can watch the lessons and do the practices at any convenient time
The author’s method
was created at the intersection of psychological, therapy, and contemporary knowledge about the power of the human mind
“How to create a warm, loving, and healthy lifelong relationship with your loved one”
How does the method work?
The method involves an integrated approach to improving the quality of life and consists of:
Everything that’s happening in your life is a reflection of your subconscious mind: your thoughts, beliefs, and presumptions. It applies to your love life and affects your relationships as well.
(includes hypnotherapy sessions, exercises to process negative emotions, and the author’s emotional detox practices)
Trauma therapy
When your mindset is completely transformed, you will see how the world around you is changing. You will find inner peace and harmony and embrace your feminine energy. Men will begin to adore, want, and love you. The method has been proven by thousands of women of various ages and cultures.
The results get results
that stay with you for life on condition that you
don’t go back to your
old way of thinking
(practices focusing on overcoming emotional dependency and regaining your inner strength)
Recognizing and treating emotional dependency
(author’s written practices, meditations, and audio guides)
Working with your subconscious mind to overcome your negative thinking patterns
(the author's practices and meditations aim to create future events with regard to your current or future relationship)
Shaping reality
with mind power
(written practices, audio guides, and meditations.)
Adopting a positive mindset of a happy woman
(author’s methods for improving self-esteem, working with your internal dialogue, meditations, and audio guides)
The psychology of self-esteem
Once you accept the idea that your partner is a mirror, you will see that he is mirroring your fears, your lack of self-confidence, and even your subconscious belief that you don’t deserve to be loved.
If you are dissatisfied with the current state of your relationship, don’t rush to blame your partner. There’s no sense in it, and moreover, it’s counterproductive.
First of all, you need to figure out what negative attitudes you’ve carried throughout your life that hinder happiness in your love life...
(watch the video to learn more)
The author of the method and the course
Lisa Politova
and finally:
Certified life-coach and women’s mentor
Best-selling author of “How to Manifest Love”
Married her beloved husband in 2020 in a Maldives resort
The creator of the state-of-the-art 5-step program for women who want to find happiness
Entrepreneur, founder of MIND POWER online-school and meditation app
Hard to believe it’s all about me! Until the age of 27, I could not keep a relationship: my partners would leave me after 1−3 months of dating; I fell in love, but it has always been a torch song.
Before marriage, I had been waiting for my previous partner to propose for five years. But he never did. Instead, I
got constant complaints, humiliation, emotional dependence on my partner, fights, and loneliness in a relationship.
I did a lot of research: I tried many practices and techniques, everything from asterism to psychology. Little by little,
I created my own scientifically proven method that actually works. I applied it in my love life, in my relationships
with men. With the help of my method, over 16,935 of my students and I improved our love life.
Lisa Politova
Read their stories:
and finally:
Featured on:
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Commit to manifesting love this year and enroll
Total: 9 385 $
Emotional Liberation - 550 $
Breaking Free from Obsessive Thinking - 495 $
Creating Your Ideal Love Story - 375 $
Overcoming Past Trauma and Negative Programs - 1900 $
Programming for Love and Installing New Beliefs - 1550 $
Regaining Self-Worth and Self-Love - 850 $
Powerful Manifestation of Love - 550 $
Manifesting Strong and Healthy Love - 1390 $
How to Get a Marriage Proposal - 435 $
How to change Your Man - 395 $
Maintaining a Happy Relationship for Years to Come - 895 $
12-Month Access
Price goes up to $599 in
0 : 0 : 0
What if I fail
You can't succeed if you don't try. Having doubts is normal, but remember: nothing ventured - nothing gained. When you give it a try and endeavor to change yourself, you will achieve a positive result. The original technique designed by Lisa Politova to reunite with your partner has already helped over 11 thousand women become happy. Their stories are the best proof of the course’s efficiency.
What if the course won’t work for me
As soon as you see the first results - warmth and kindness from your partner or meeting someone new - you will believe in the effectiveness of this course.
I don’t believe the course will help in my case
This is the common belief for ladies who never tried my practical exercises and meditations. Those who tried them were astonished by the results. You don’t need to influence your partner directly; it will happen organically. The man will change his attitude automatically in response to your new state of mind, duly transformed during the course.
My partner is never going to change
We offer an actionable strategy confirmed by thousands of women. However, we guarantee the result only if you consistently follow the instructions and spend time improving your mind.
Do you provide guarantees?
Experiencing fear is normal. It's a common feeling for everyone. Especially if you previously had a painful experience and got emotionally traumatized. But we do more than just dream! We work through our inner obstacles and reveal and remove negative attitudes and mindsets, thus clearing our minds. We shape our intention and change our vision. We completely transform our minds to obtain positive results.
I don’t want to raise my hopes because I fear disappointment
Will he love this version of you? No! That’s why he left you. Once you start the course, you will change and build your new personality — a woman worthy of love, respect, and appreciation. Her partner will take care of her and stay by her side. You will change your outlook on life and feel like a new person. You will dismiss the idea that someone will never love you again. You will feel self-worth.
He will never love me again
Thousands of women have completed this course before. And for the vast majority, this course was a game-changer. You’ve probably seen their video reviews. Only those who abandon this course halfway and don’t complete the assignments will not benefit from it. If you struggle to commit to the classes and courses you sign up for, the best option for you is our “Support” plan. It helps you stay focused and motivated. If you are determined to change your life and are ready to follow the instructions and do all exercises, you will undoubtedly succeed.
What if I fail
You can't succeed if you don't try. Having doubts is normal, but remember: nothing ventured - nothing gained. When you give it a try and endeavor to change yourself, you will achieve a positive result. The original technique designed by Lisa Politova to reunite with your partner has already helped over 11 thousand women become happy. Their stories are the best proof of the course’s efficiency.
What if the course won’t work for me
As soon as you see the first results - warmth and kindness from your partner or meeting someone new - you will believe in the effectiveness of this course.
I don’t believe the course will help in my case
This is the common belief for ladies who never tried my practical exercises and meditations. Those who tried them were astonished by the results. You don’t need to influence your partner directly; it will happen organically. The man will change his attitude automatically in response to your new state of mind, duly transformed during the course.
My partner is never going to change
We offer an actionable strategy confirmed by thousands of women. However, we guarantee the result only if you consistently follow the instructions and spend time improving your mind.
Do you provide guarantees?
Experiencing fear is normal. It's a common feeling for everyone. Especially if you previously had a painful experience and got emotionally traumatized. But we do more than just dream! We work through our inner obstacles and reveal and remove negative attitudes and mindsets, thus clearing our minds. We shape our intention and change our vision. We completely transform our minds to obtain positive results.
I don’t want to raise my hopes because I fear disappointment
Will he love this version of you? No! That’s why he left you. Once you start the course, you will change and build your new personality — a woman worthy of love, respect, and appreciation. Her partner will take care of her and stay by her side. You will change your outlook on life and feel like a new person. You will dismiss the idea that someone will never love you again. You will feel self-worth.
He will never love me again
Thousands of women have completed this course before. And for the vast majority, this course was a game-changer. You’ve probably seen their video reviews. Only those who abandon this course halfway and don’t complete the assignments will not benefit from it. If you struggle to commit to the classes and courses you sign up for, the best option for you is our “Support” plan. It helps you stay focused and motivated. If you are determined to change your life and are ready to follow the instructions and do all exercises, you will undoubtedly succeed.
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All rights reserved. Copying any content is expressly prohibited without prior written consent from the author. Only capable individuals over 18 years of age can participate in the course.
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